MMXII Religion: The Parable of John Smith

MMXII September 3, 2023: Our Daily Pages: UTC+14: Religion: Welcome to our Daily Pages a reasonable emergency service. created by Angelcraft Media Division and Angelcraft Broadcasting   we are a component of the ACM&N Co. and part of the Angelcraft Broadcast Network.  No  critical contact by the FCC or news regulators from any nation has been made with Angelcraft Broadcasting’s CEO Jose Maria Chavira M.S.. If conditions are favorable Our Daily Pages will publish once a year or more.    News and information continue in a state of emergency.  Today we have an original religious parable for the news and information emergency.

The Parable of John Smith 

There was once a man named John Smith who loved his country.  No one was more patriotic than him.  John Smith was a good man who has lived and worked across the street from the White House his whole  life.  He loved his President and so whenever the President was in the White House he knew.  Then something happened.  John did not feel the presence of the President anymore.  And so he turned on the television and there was the President giving a speech and he felt better.  But John noticed the television said “LIVE” in front of the White House with a crowd of thousands of people,  So he looked out the window and did not see anything but a few men walking around.  There was no screaming crowd.  He reasoned to himself that it was a recording.

Things were not the same however and one day a large crowed gathered in the Front of the White House.  He joined them and a man which looked like the President stepped out of his car and walked into the white house.   Then the secret service said. to crowd “o.k. you seen the president. He has to work on building a wall to keep the Mexicans out. You can all follow it in the news on television.  You can all go home.” and the crowd dispersed.

Over the next five years the same things happened.  The people changed regularly and new people were always walking around.

Finally John decided to investigate. He looked at the newspapers and all sorts of media and there was no indication that anything was wrong.   For more than 12 years life in front of the white house was not the same or consistent.  But the television was consistent.  John  decided to mind his own business.  Then an opportunity arose for John to work and live in another state and he left.  No longer living near the White House, John relied again on the television and his life seemed almost normal.  Little did John know that God was judging his country and that his beloved president had been removed from off the surface of the earth.

The Parable of John Smith mirrors the lives of many peoples.  This is because the Judgment of God is not like it is written in the book of Revelations.  Thank God.  History has proven that God’s Judgment allows us to live in relative peace while it works at bringing the world’s most dangerous people to justice.  When the Judgment of God is in effect, it is as light as a feathered quill,  you hardly even notice it.

Perhaps the best informed people are those that make up or decide what news and information goes on to government websites and on to the television.   These are people who have to make up information because various presidents and leaders have been judged by God and they don’t want to tell the public the truth.    The time for protesting them was over 12 years ago.  Now between them and God there is only justice.   The Judgment of God wants you to be blameless like lambs,  so don’t cause any trouble, continue to pray and look for quality normal information starting with your local and state governments.  If they give you the information which they should give you than count that a blessing.

Welcome again to Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co. a reasonable emergency service,   We regret to inform you that mass media, political news and general information continue in state of emergency. Health information, educational information, organizational information, political information, business information, investment information, economy information, legislation (laws) and governments are affected..

Cell phones are also affect. We report problems with text messaging.   Simple things such as sending a text message to someone you love does not go through sometimes.   Much depends where you live, who you are,  who your cell phone service provider is and who is in control of cell phone technology at any given moment.

MMXII August 3, 2023: Our Daily Pages: UTC+14: Religion: Welcome to Our Daily Pages ODP.   We are a mass media emergency warning service and have reduced our activity and will post at least once a year.   If conditions are favorable will post as much as wisdom dictates.  If you are new to our service, political news in the media and general information are in a state of emergency. This means that television, radio, cable, and the Internet are not perfectly reliable.  Our associate and partners ABN Americas and Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co are providers of extraordinary emergency news.  More news and information is available  at the Daily Page in English or Spanish.

MMXII August 3, 2023: Our Daily Pages: UTC+14: Metro Mazatlan. We welcome you to visit Mazatlan! Consider also patronizing more the economies of your own cities. This is the best we can do to help ourselves when things become difficult. The small domestic economies that exist in each city are hard to beat. Small domestic economies that exist in each city are always reliable systems of income, and also good for trade and exchange. These are also called survival economies.

For people who live in big cities, we must have faith, but we can also help ourselves and each other by spreading the news that a news and information emergency is in effect, but to trust in God and that everything is going to be o.k.

  • Radio Eco Taxis (669) 986 1111 (Green)
  • EcoTaxis rojos. (Red) (669) 981-5017
  • Aurigas (the red trucks) (669) 981 3535
  • Pulmonias. (Ask for a personal business card or telephone from any driver)
  • News Regulation. 

Our Daily Pages by Angelcraft Media A.M. with you always. In association with A.B.N.  The Angelraft Broadcast Network by my Spirit sayeth the Lord.  JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum.